Sunday, May 13, 2012

Meet the Clan

Leader: Chasmstar
Chasmstar is a heart-stoppingly handsome young tom. His fur is the color of darkness, with a pair of crystal blue eyes that shine out. Despite his ominous look, he is extremely kind and understanding. Chasmstar is also very sweet and humorous. He can lighten almost any situation, and loves to comfort cats. He is a big strategist, and thinks out everything before he acts. He doesn't usually anger anyone, unless he intends to, and many she-cats find him to be a catch for his looks and personality. He is hesitant when it comes to love, for he lost his mates a few moons ago. He feels like he could never love a she-cat again. His sister is Morninglight, and he would protect her with his life.
Theme Song: Broken by Seether feat. Amy Lee

Warrior: Morninglight
Morninglight is a loud, hyper she-cat. She has long white fur patched with ginger, and shimmering green eyes the color of ferns. She is extremely energetic, and many believe she never sleeps. She loves to tease, and is very fluent in sarcasm. Despite that, she is very kind and caring like her brother. It is hard for any cat to hate her, but it is also hard to love her. She pulls away from romance, because she has had her heart broken too many times. She is also afraid of what happened to her brother's previous mate. But overall, Morninglight is very smart and reliable. Her brother is Chasmstar, and she always looks up to him.
Theme Song: Stronger by Kelly Clarkson

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