Sunday, May 13, 2012

Clan History

Clan History

Chasmstar's life wasn't always so bad. Growing up, he had a kind and caring family, with good parents and many siblings. That was, until 'they' came. Chasmstar wasn't even sure as to what they were, strange creatures with gnashing teeth and thick fur. They picked off every single member of his family, except for sweet little Morninglight. She and Chasmstar managed to escape before the creatures found them, but mourned their family for days on end. They traveled together form that point on in order to protect one another. Eventually, Chasmstar found true love. She was a beautiful she-cat named Rainingnight, and he had never been happier. But the universe seemed to be against Chasmstar, for a horrible disease gripped his mate before they could have any kits. He fell into despair, only to come out with the help of Morninglight. They decided to begin their own clan, so that they would have cats to trust and lean on for support.

Pretty much the same as Chasmstar, although she was in many unsuccessful relationships.

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